Questions to consider before applying to Karolinska Institutet
Considering to apply to one of the Global Master’s programmes at Karolinska Institutet? Here are some questions I recommend you to answer and reflect upon before you submit your application.
Do you like research?
If the immediate answer is yes, then KI might be just perfect for you! KI is a research-led university, which means that teachers are also dedicated researchers in their areas. The content of the courses and the assignments are a reflect of that. Some students complain that the master’s programmes are somehow a bit too much oriented towards preparing us for a PhD position, which is not the immediate goal of many students at this point.
Do you thrive in an international/multicultural environment?
If your answer is yes, then KI is definitely a match for you. Our university is very international, gathering brilliant students from all around the world. By coming to KI you must be prepared to be adaptable, tolerant and respectful of other’s opinions and ways. I must confess this is one of my favorite features of KI since I feel it is preparing me for a future career on a global industry.
Do you expect your graduate school to provide you with a full network?
If the answer is yes, then you might reconsider KI. As an international top raked university, KI will surely provide you with the leverage for starting your own networking process. In my experience, the name and prestige of the university does help. Nonetheless, KI Career services does not offer individualized career advice. This means that for most of the time, it is up to the student to find her/his own opportunities for internships, jobs, etc. But don’t get me wrong! KI teachers will support you if you ask for help, what I mean is that there is no institutionalized mechanism in place to provide you for sure with working opportunities. (Note: This does not apply to the Master’s in Bioentrepreneurship, since their programme does offer internships as part of the curriculum).

Are you highly competitive?
If your answer was an immediate YES, you should consider that KI promotes more collaboration than competition. The grading system only allows students to pass with distinction, pass or fail, which means there’s no “top of the class” or “dean lists”. This goes hand by hand with the Swedish culture.
Do you like to take things easy?
If you answered Yes, then you should definitely apply to KI. The Swedish culture prioritizes a healthy work-life balance, which means that your weekends will be respected (also you will be expected to be highly productive during the week). I must confess that at the beginning I found it challenging to adapt since I come from a more competitive and demanding environment, but I must confess that I have learned to appreciate the balance which has helped me to be more productive and healthy at the same time.

Hope this blogpost helped you on your decision process. Please do not hesitate to contact me or any Digital Ambassador if you have any questions.
Julio Sosa.
email: julio.sosa@stud.ki.se
Linkedin: https:/www.linkedin.com/in/julio-sosa-maldonado-659301175/
Instagram: @julio.sosam