Bioentrepreneurship: Updated and new masters from fall 2020

Once again, congratulations to all the new newly admitted students! I really look forward to meeting you all (either digitally or in person) if you decide to accept your offer and start the programme this fall 🙂

Lets get to the point of this blog!

If you were not aware, the programme completely changed its structure for this year with updated courses and timelines. The directors have been collecting feedback from previous students for years and this is the end result. I will compare how each semester has looked for us/will look for us and how it will be for you.

DISCLAIMER: The content of your courses is something I have no clue about. I am just speculating how similar they will be to ours. Let’s start!

Semester 1: Fall 2019 versus Fall 2020

  1. Entrepreneurship in life sciences is most likely similar to your courses: Theory in Bioentrepreneurship and Communication in Bioentrepreneurship 1. We had that content in our course.
  2. Industrial Management and Strategic Management Control are the courses you will study at Kungliga tekniska högskolan (KTH). Those will not change.
  3. Our project management course included theory and a practical part as well (a big assignment). Yours is probably the theory part only.

Semester 2: Spring 2020 versus Spring 2021

  1. Our Development of products in life science course drips over to our second semester as well. We had the first half in fall and the remaining during spring. You will have it completely in the spring with 1 ECTS less.
  2. Elective courses are the same and they are given at Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES).
  3. You have the market analysis course in the fall, we had it now during spring.
  4. Practical placement is the practical placement.

Semester 3: Fall 2020 versus Fall 2021

It looks pretty similar except that you have a completely new course; marketing and sales in life sciences. It sounds like a very good one to be honest! I wish i could take that course! But we touched on that content in our market analysis course. Perhaps they have made it into a separate course instead which makes sense.

Semester 4: Spring 2021 verus Spring 2022

Not much has changed as you can tell.

I hope this give some insights on when you read older blogposts to know more about the masters or when you are asking for advice on how to handle the upcoming courses. It will be different from now on.

Thank you for reading and don’t hesitate to contact me on to ask more questions! // Tina 🙂

Tina Sayari - Bioentrepreneurship

Tina Sayari - Bioentrepreneurship

I am studying the Master's in Bioentrepreneurship and will be writing about my courses, my classmates, and the general satisfaction regarding this masters. Being born & raised in Stockholm and previously doing the Bachelor's in Biomedicine at KI, I know more than the average KI student about living in Sweden and the university :) Feel free to contact me:


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