Left, Right, Left… One Step at a Time

Hej! Jag heter Yeung!

(That is about the extent of my Swedish after being here for a month.)

I am Yeung, a Master’s in Bioentrepreneurship student from Hong Kong. Coming here is my first time to visit Europe, and everything feels different in a good way! Prior to being accepted to KI in April, I had no real idea of what studying in Sweden or studying for a master’s degree is all about. The major reason I applied is because I really enjoyed my bachelor’s study in Biotechnology and Business, which makes Bioentrepreneurship a natural extension. So far, the statement holds true haha.

(Just between us, I’ll tell you one of the reasons why I applied to a program in Sweden is because I am a big fan of a certain Swedish furniture brand. Don’t tell anyone Shhhh!)

“Why are you doing the same thing, again?”

I did multiple internships during my bachelor’s time: Animator, Video Producer, Marketing, Film Director etc. Although all of them are great learning experiences, I didn’t feel like I can lean all my weights on any one and build a full career out of it. It was until my final internship at a healthcare- focusing financial institution that I believe I can go all-in for a fulfilling career. After that, keep on building the same road of Bio+Business makes total sense!

Directing my short film “Love, Dad” in 2019 (miss you my casts and crews)

And most importantly, the skills from those internships did not go to waste! I am here, as the new vlogger for the digital ambassador YouTube channel. The videos I will be making are from the perspective of a student new to the environment, so all of you can join along the adventure. I am sure we will discover some fresh and exciting things about the school, the country, and the culture!

I’ll see you over on YouTube. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

Write me an e-mail on what video you want to see!: pok.yeung.lee@stud.ki.se

Pok Yeung Lee - Bioentrepreneurship

Pok Yeung Lee - Bioentrepreneurship

Hej, I am a Master's student in Bioentrepreneurhsip from Hong Kong! Come over to our Digital Ambassador YouTube channel for information and entertainment!


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