A new Instagram DA has arrived!

Hello hello!

My name is Iida, I’m a 24-year old Finnish girl doing my master’s studies in Health Economics, Policy and Management programme at KI!

Coming from the eastern border of Finland I never ever expected I’d use my 6-years of learning the Swedish language (thanks to the Finnish education system!) in practice. However, here I am trying my best to understand when the cashier in a grocery store asks in Swedish if I want the receipt or not.

Why KI?

Why did I come to Stockholm then, if not just for improving my language skills? Well, after completing my Bachelor’s degree in Public Health including a semester abroad, I decided it was time to step my foot outside of Finland. So, I ended up in Sweden, comfortably staying in the Nordics. Karolinska Institutet was the first university to apply to on my list, for the high quality of research and global approach in education, just to mention a few reasons.

My mission as a DA

As a prospective student, I found student blogs and especially the Instagram account @kistudents very helpful when imagining my future in KI. And, as a new Digital Ambassador, I’ll try to capture my KI experience for you the best way I know – by taking photos! I can’t wait to start sharing some student life insights in Stockholm and Karolinska Institutet on Instagram with @marleriee. Based on my experiences in Stockholm so far, life as a KI student is pretty awesome. 😎

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Email: iida.amanda.mikantytar.tynkkynen@stud.ki.se


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