What does KI have to offer for sports and fitness?
Under normal circumstances, KI has lots to offer in terms of sports and fitness. Unfortunately, this fall some of these services and/or events may be cancelled or have to be adapted, however it is good to know what they offer so you don’t miss out on things as KI opens things up.
Weekly sports
Throughout the whole week KI offers set times for certain sports. In order to register you have to book your spot using their online portal (once they open up facilities).
- Volleyball
- Badminton
- Ping pong
- Soccer
- Floor hockey
- Basketball
*On campus they also have a beach volleyball court and two tennis courts that can be booked.

They offer weekly group fitness classes that require registration using the same online portal. They offer a wide range of classes and times including classes in the morning, at lunch hour and after school such as: Yoga, HIIT
- KI also offers a free gym for all students and staff. You will need your KI card in order to access it. There are change rooms with lockers, showers and a sauna. Currently, you can book time slots to use the gym.

A couple times a year, the Sports Committee organizes trips for students to join.
- Ski Trip – they often organize a couple ski trips throughout the Winter for example, to Romme Alpin. By going with KI you get the group discount price compared to if you went on your own. The price includes the shuttle, the ski pass, the rentals and lunch. Check the MF Facebook page for more information on registration.
- Surf Trip – they have an annual surf trip to Ericeria, Portugal. This trip usually happens in August and registration usually opens in March. Check the MF facebook page for more information on registration.
The MF Sports Committee also organizes numerous events throughout the year.
- Tournaments are organized throughout the year so follow their events on their Facebook to see what is scheduled
- Ping pong
- Soccer
- Dodgeball
- KI Run – normally within the first few weeks of school KI has their annual campus race. Look out for their plans in 2021!
- Sports Day – numerous times a year KI offers an activity/sports day so students can try out various activities including fencing, breakdance, netball, pole dancing, swimming and many more!

Hopefully, within the next few months things are able to open as “normal” and you are able to experience all that KI has to offer! Keep checking the KI website and their Facebook pages for more information on their updated policies.
Thanks for reading!
Lauren Wiebe- Health Promotion and Prevention
Hi! I am Lauren, I was born and raised in Canada, and you probably will hear me talking about how much I love Canada, especially the mountains. I am the blogger for the Master's Public Health Sciences Health Promotion and Prevention stream and I am excited to share my experiences with you!