Entrance of Neo Building, Flemingsberg. Photo credit: Sepriani Limbong

My first week as Nutrition Science Master’s student at KI

When I write this blog, I have been nearing the end of the third course in my programme. Yet, I still remember my experience vividly during the first few weeks as a new student with all the challenges, but full of joy and excitement.

A long-awaited moment

Unlike most of my classmates who took this programme not so long or even right after their bachelor’s degree, it took me eight years from my previous education to finally pursue master’s degree. So, this is quite a long-awaited moment for me.

On the other side, those relatively long gap years made me afraid and nervous; will I be able to keep up? But, after coming into the course, everything went well, and I became rest assured that I had chosen the right place to study. Let me explain it to you.

The programme

On the very first day, there was a roll-call and general introduction by our programme director. Some important highlighted points are that this programme focuses on the scientific basis of nutrition and trains the students to conduct nutritional research with proper methodology. There is also another notable information that this year will be the last time the programme is conducted as a one-year programme before becoming a two-year programme next year.

Listening to the explanation from our programme director and, later, course leader, it was clear that this programme had been prepared very well. The schedule’s layout is clear and easy to follow. Each lecture and learning activities aim to help the student achieve the learning outcomes.  

Regarding learning activities, we were introduced to Canvas as the education platform. All teaching and learning materials, including lecture handouts, schedules, quizzes, assignments, discussions, are provided on Canvas. Personally, this is immensely helpful because it guides me to keep on track along the course and work more effectively.

The campus

All of the lectures for Master’s Programme in Nutrition Science are taking place in KI Flemingsberg campus, mainly in ANA 10, ANA 23, and another building called Neo building. For some friends, this can be challenging, especially when we have morning lectures, as they have to travel quite far to southern Stockholm. However, personally, I enjoy studying in this location as the area around the campus is beautiful. I even already have my favourite spot to study or just to enjoy my quiet time!

Alfred Nobels allé (ANA) 10 building, KI Flemingsberg Campus. Photo credit: Sepriani Limbong
Alfred Nobels allé (ANA) 10 building, KI Flemingsberg Campus.
Photo credit: Sepriani Limbong

Making new friends

By nature, I am not a very sociable person. Starting a conversation and opening to building friendship can be quite challenging for me. Thanks to our course leader and study counsellor, who were sensitive to such conditions and have come up with many strategies to make us easier to get along.

On the first day, I remember we were divided into a group of three and had lunch together in that group while sharing about who we are, where we come from, why we chose KI, and whether we have a specific interest in nutrition. The other day, we played a fun name game where we tried to remember and mention the name of every person in the class! As time went on, I felt that everyone becoming more open to each other.

Our daily conversations, both inside or outside the class, are mainly about food (obviously!) and other nutrition-related topics. What makes it even more interesting is that we discuss it from many perspectives given our various backgrounds and countries we were coming from. Oftentimes, I get fascinated by how vast their knowledge about food is and also inspired by their passion.

Perfect spot to study. Photo credit: Sepriani Limbong
Perfect spot to study. Photo credit: Sepriani Limbong

Looking back to those first weeks as a new student, I’m surprised that all my anxiety has been slowly fading, and I’m grateful that I have made it this far. If you are currently reading this blog and still feel unsure whether you should apply to KI or doubting whether you will be able to face all the challenges, I hope my experience can help you cast aside your doubts and be more confident. Just reach me if you have further inquiries; I’m happy to help!

Sepriani Limbong - Nutrition Science

Sepriani Limbong - Nutrition Science

Hello! I’m Sepri, a medical doctor from Indonesia. I’m a master student of Nutrition Science at KI. I’m keen to learn about the interplay between diet and health status as well as the role of nutrition both in disease prevention and intervention. I love to study, but in my free time you’ll find me listening to music/podcast/audiobook. As a blogger, I’ll write about my programme, experiences that I have in Sweden, and give you a little snippet of student life. I’m excited to share this journey with you!


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