Overall course schedule_ Health Economics, Policy and Management

During my time as Digital ambassador of KI (2021 – 2023), there were numerous enquiries relating to the course schedule. Hence I decided to share my personal experience of the course I have attended. Please note: it is important to check KI website for the latest update of course schedule since it may get changed by the time you are reading it. For who never used canvas before, KI provides the comprehensive canvas student guide.

Total 120 credits

Marking System: Pass with distinction (VG) / Pass (G) / Fail (F)

First Year

Course: Introduction

Timeline: 28 August 2021 to 4 October 2021

This introduction course consists of total 9 assignments with 5 of them is in different group settings. Total of 6 categories as following.

  • Module 1_ Essential Skills
  • Module 2_ Orthochoice case
  • Module 3_ Philosophy of science
  • Module 4_ Public Health
  • Module 5_ Course Wrap up

Health Economics-Financing Health and Medical Care

Timeline: 5 October 2021 – 11 November 2021

  • Module 1_ Microeconomics_ application in Healthcare analysis
  • Module 2 _ Economics of Healthcare financing
  • Module 3_ Equity in Healthcare

Also, hands-on training on use of excel.

One group assignment and one Individual Home Exam which needs to be completed within 8.5 hours. For those who failed the exam, a re-examination is allowed to partake within the designated time.

Health Systems and Policy

Timeline: 18 November 2021 – 4 January 2022                              

The course is organised in three parts.

  • Module 1_ History and organisation of the health system
  • Module 2 _ Components of the health system
  • Module 3_ Foundations of the health policy and practice

We had to do 2 group presentations: Components of the health systems, structure and organisation of the health systems. We were teamed up with 3 or 4 other classmates and had to name one country of choice and provide the report based on WHO six building blocks with key issues. Also, one individual assignment with 2,000 words essay on Health Policy: Either Select a country and medical drug of your choice and discuss the challenges to implementing equitable access to the drug (or) Select a country of your choice and discuss efforts and challenges to implementing an effective human resource for health policy.

Planning for health

This one week course seems aiming to give us an overview of steps in health planning in view of determinants and context of health systems in different types of societies. To give insight in different aspects of development of health plans, the planning cycle and to identify challenges and opportunities in planning for health.

Course period: 4 January 2022 – 16 January 2022 

  • Module 1_ What is planning? Why planning?
  • Module 2_ Steps in planning
  • Module 3_ Priority setting
  • Module 4_ Reviewing outcomes.

Recommended book: An introduction to health planning for developing health systems by Andrew Green.pdf

Basic Epidemiology and Statistics I

Timeline: 17 January 2022 – 8 February 2022

Schedule has been attached below.

This course is designed to provide an overview of the basic epidemiological concepts and basic statistical methods. The intent is to introduce the basic concepts and lay the ground for basic epidemiology and statistics and help you to apply appropriate statistical methods for managing common types of health economics, health policy, and management data.

Course literature:

  • Medical Statistics – A textbook for the health sciences, 4th edition, Wiley by David Machin et al (2007)
  • Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, 3rd Edition. An introduction to applied epidemiology and biostatistics, Center of Disease Control (CDC)
  • Week 1_ Epidemiology
  • Week 2-3: Statistics
  • Week 2-3: Statistics_ CBE (Computer Based Exercises)

One group assignment and one individual written assignment which was optional though. However, individual assignment is required to complete to get the Pass with distinction (VG).

Health Outcomes Measurement

Timeline: 9 February 2022 – 15 March 2022

The course is to provide an introduction to health outcomes research including methodological considerations and applications in different contexts

  • Module 1_ Introduction to health outcomes and outcome research design
  • Module 2_ Generic and disease specific measures
  • Module 3_ Measurement properties
  • Module 4_ Health related quality of life
  • Module 5_ Health economics outcome measures
  • Module 6_ Population health and determinants of health
  • Module 7_ Measurement of health in specific groups
  • Module 8_ Application of health outcomes

For this course, there was individual 24 hours home online assignment. My suggestion is to clear mind and check all the questions first and for any enquiries, you could reach out the contact person as soon as possible within this 24 hours.

Economics Evaluation of Health Care programmes

Timeline: 16 March 2022 – 19 April 2022

To give an understanding of practical, methodological and theoretical issues related to the economic evaluation of health care programmes, and how economic evaluation can be applied to the health care sector and industry to inform decisions.

Skeleton of the course

  • Principles and methods of economic evaluation
  • Costs in economic evaluation
  • Decision rules of cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Uncertainty analysis
  • Monetary valuation of health improvements
  • Module 1: Economic evaluation: Overall
  • Module 2: Psoriasis topical treatment assignment
  • Module 3: The role of economic evaluation on different actors in society

Almost 3 months summer break from the first week of June to the last week of August, mostly up to 28 August. I would say, the first year’s courseworks are easier compared to the second year’s which is more intense and advanced. So, if you wish to participate in extracurricular activities, I would highly recommend to do so during your first year.

Second Year:

  • Statistics II
  • Advanced course in Health Economics
  • Advanced course in health systems and Policy
  • Advanced course in health care/ medical management
  • Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics
  • Degree Project in Medical Management

Final degree project took almost six months to complete which was the longest part of the master course. You can read more about it in the blog named “From Struggle to Success“.

Finally I would remind that you must register each course in Ladok on time. Although the studying can sometime be stressful, I would like to recommend not to forget to enjoy and care for yourself.

Naw Hlaing Oo- Health Economics, Policy and Management

Naw Hlaing Oo- Health Economics, Policy and Management

Hej! I am Naw, currently attending MSc Health Economics, Policy and Management. Originally from Myanmar (aka Burma), one of the South-East Asia countries. Before joining KI, I completed my first degree in Medicine and then attained MSc in Clinical Dermatology from University of Hertfordshire, UK. Recently I also completed an executive learning program known as "SouthEast Asia Leadership in Medicine- SEAL" at Harvard Medical School. I love international traveling and learning different cultures. Follow me to see lot of blogs related to Asian students, personal experience on my course and exciting traveling experience. ;)


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