5 tips for succeeding in the application process

Hello everyone! Since it’s applications time (remember to submit yours before the 15th of January 2019 through universityadmissions.se) I will give you a few tips on how to organize to succeed in this process. I guess different people can give different tips on how to master the application process, but these worked for me:

English comes first!

Since it is taught in English, KI MSc students need to prove they have English proficiency. There are different exam types you can take and that are valid for the application, so you can choose the most convenient (check the English requirements here).

If you don’t have the English title yet, start doing so! Don’t leave taking the English exam until the last-minute, since there are limited exam dates with a limited number of seats and take into account that the exam result might take some time to be ready.

Motivation letters matter

For the MTLS application you’re required to write a short motivation letter. Motivation letters are really important, and if you write a good one you can stand out from other candidates.


Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffdjevdet/16927430497

My best tip to write a good motivation letter? Take your time to think why do you want to study this program in particular, what do you want to take out from it and what are your plans afterwards

Never (NEVER) reuse one same motivation letter for two different applications, they should be application-specific.

Recommendation letters… who and when?

MTLS application also requires to submit 1-3 recommendation letters, and you should take that as an opportunity to gain extra point as a strong candidate.

Who should write my recommendation letter? Here again, a good recommendation letter needs to be specific for the person sending it, and if it’s written in very general terms it may not be as effective as it could be. Try asking someone who has worked with you previously and that really knows what your strengths are.

Since obtaining a recommendation letter requires contacting one person, waiting for the letter to arrive and then submitting it to the application platform I would ask for them at soon as possible, so the writer has enough time and you get it on time.

Note: Generally, MSc programs at KI don’t require a recommendation letter in the application. However, since the application for the MSc Molecular Techniques in Life Science is done through KTH, this program requires one to three recommendation letters to be submited.

Writing your CV: brevity is the soul of wit

Writing a good CV is quite challenging, since you want to include all relevant experiences you have, but you don’t want it to be too long, the person reading it will be bored soon and that’s not the impression you want to give. Also, being able of synthesizing information and communicating in an effective way is an important skill for any job or position, so try to make your CV as brief as possible. For example, try avoiding job descriptions and write some keywords about it instead.

Last but not least… don’t stop believing (in yourself!)

Application for graduate school is a hard process: a lot of papers to submit, many emails to send…but don’t lose your motivation! If you do your application carefuly there are higher chances to be admited into your favorite Master’s.

Also, we all have something that makes us unique, and surely we all are better at something than other applicants. Try to find that and wait patiently for the application results.

Good luck, and for any other questions about applications contact me at: ines.rivero.garcia@stud.ki.se.


email: ines.rivero.garcia@stud.ki.se

IG: @inesriverog

LinkedIn: Ines Rivero Garcia


  1. Sabrina says:

    One of the knowledgeable blog. Keep it up.

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