How to get ready for 2021 at Karolinska Institutet!
Firstly, my biggest CONGRATULATIONS to all you cool students who have accepted their positions at Karolinska Institutet (KI) and WELCOME to Stockholm! Whether you’re making your way here or are already in Stockholm eagerly awaiting the start of next week, you’ll find this blog useful in your preparation for your new life. At least I hope you’ll find it useful!
Visit the Karolinska Institutet website – tools & services available at KI
You are probably an expert at this already, but I’m going to mention it anyway. My #1 tip is to visit the Karolinska Institutet website. The website tells you everything KI has to offer. And it’s A LOT. From the latest research, lectures and conferences, to the more practical things like booking study rooms, exchange opportunities and student unions. Take advantage of being a student here at one of the most prestigious medical universities in Europe! I can assure you that there are so many fantastic opportunities that KI can connect you with. You won’t regret it.
Familiarise yourself with the campus
I would recommend students get comfortable with commuting to campus and in and around the campus site itself. Starting university can be very overwhelming and especially in a new country or city. Maybe ‘practice’ going to campus one day and see how this mode of transport suits you. Once you’re at campus, try and familiarise yourself with all the building names, what they look like, what rooms you might be using and their whereabouts. Consider what facilities you might use most e.g. gym and library and perhaps find your way around it. This isn’t a must but it just makes life so much easier, especially if your bus is delayed and you need to run to your lectures.
Get to know your surroundings
And by this I mean, where you live. Discover all the grocery stores nearby and take a browse through the aisles. Check out their range and prices. Maybe you’ll also want to know where all the cheap restaurants and bars are just in case you can’t be bother cooking, or feel like a few drinks with some mates. One of the first things I did was to find the nearest park and outdoor gym or running trail. Being new to Stockholm, it was really important for me to take time out for myself, be close to nature and stay healthy. A new city and a new home can be very overwhelming.
Stores you should be aware of
Francisca’s got a great blog for students who are looking to shop on a budget that you should check out. But I thought it might be useful to suggest some more stores that might help you along the way. So, if you’re after:
- Electronics – Kjell & Company, Clas Ohlson, Elgiganten
- Home furniture – IKEA, Clas Ohlson, Jysk… (We’re in Sweden, which means this list is never ending)
- Stationary – Clas Ohlson, Office Depot, Akademibokhandeln
- Groceries – ICA, Coop, Hemköp, Willys, Lidl
And last but not least, if you’re interested in getting a new look in Stockholm, check out Lauren’s blog about her top 5 second hand stores in Stockholm.
Get ready for your 1st lecture
And again, the obvious. Get yourself excited and ready for your 1st lecture. Set yourself up for a fun, and stress-free 1st day by following the above steps. Get to university at a good time and you might have time to meet a new friend. If your first lecture is online, make sure you have the right link to the lecture. On the first day, your coordinator will introduce themselves and then you’ll be encouraged to get to know each other and connect. Just remember, you are well taken care of here at KI. Take it in your stride.
Best of luck!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at helen.nguyen@stud.ki.se or https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-nguyen-539782aa/
Helen Nguyen - Health Informatics
Hi! I'm Helen from Australia here, currently living and loving life in Stockholm. I'm studying a Master's in Health Informatics at Karolinska Institutet. I love walking in nature, dancing and cycling around town. I love a good chat and enjoy a good hearty laugh. We can talk about nothing and discuss absolutely everything. I enjoy cooking food, falling asleep to movies and going for long walks in the forest.