New Year, new goals!

It’s that time of the year again. Time for resolutions and getting ready for new challenges ahead. I thought it would be helpful to go through a list of study-related resolutions for the new year!

Join an extracurricular

Joining an extracurricular can be a great way to meet other students at KI and it can look great on your CV! It can range from joining a committee at KI to joining a sports team or the gym. This is a great way to maintain a good work-life balance whilst also trying something new.

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Set a new academic goal

You may be swamped with university work and would like to improve your organisational skills or get better at note-taking. You may want to improve your grades and aim to get a ‘pass with distinction’ on at least one exam this year. These can all be achieved by setting achievable goals!

Learn to network

It might be that you are focusing on your studies, but you want to do more outside of your course. Networking will help you find internships, form relationships that will allow for letters of recommendation to be written and potentially find work opportunities at partner universities. Networking does not only help with job prospects but knowing your lecturers will make your university experience more enjoyable and you will feel more comfortable asking questions.

Break a bad study habit

New year’s resolutions aren’t always about starting something new, sometimes it’s about giving something up! One change may be spending less time on your phone or Netflix. Or maybe you think you should take shorter breaks when you study. If there are any study habits you have and are unhappy with, then now is the time to change them!

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You may feel you are overworked and would like to take more ‘me-time’. Don’t feel guilty for taking some time off to yourself. Spend this time meditating, reading a book or doing anything else that you enjoy doing, but often don’t make time for.

There are so many options for resolutions, it’s okay to also not make any. You should do whatever makes you happy and enjoy the new experiences the new year will bring. As always you can reach out to me through the comments!

Lianne Granston - Toxicology

Lianne Granston - Toxicology

Hi! I’m Lianne from Ireland and England, currently studying a Master’s in Toxicology at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Before coming to Sweden I was living in The Netherlands where I completed my bachelor’s degree. I looked forward to coming to Sweden for the nature and happened to stumble across Karolinska Institutet! It sounded appealing since the university is focused on human health and I’m happy to be studying here now. Learning Swedish is on the top of my list of things to do in Sweden, but I’m also excited to explore the archipelago of Stockholm and go bouldering outdoors.


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