4 Reasons to accept your MBE Admission Offer

It is not news anymore that admission decisions for the next academic year have been published. If you got admitted to the Master’s Programme in Bioentrepreneurship (MBE), and are wondering whether to accept your place or not, this post is for you.

I will give you 4 reasons to accept your place in this amazing programme, which are also some of my favorite things about the programme so far. 

The people are incredible..

Personally, I believe that having a strong faculty and a diverse cohort of students should be one of the more important considerations when choosing a postgraduate degree. These are two boxes that the MBE programme checks effortlessly. 

On one hand, the teaching staff is composed of teachers with an immense wealth of experience in the life sciences – in both the academic and industry dimensions. On the other hand, the program attracts students from a wide range of science and healthcare backgrounds with different experiences and this makes for a rich environment of peer to peer learning. I have previously written about my class composition

Beyond this, the international nature of the class makes it so much fun and educative. And if you see yourself studying in such a setting, then you are in for a treat.  You can be assured that your own cohort will be as exciting, if not more! 

The teaching is great…

The curriculum of the MBE is amazing! 

During the MBE, students are taught the fundamental principles of business leadership in the life sciences. You would learn how to analyze real-world clinical problems and be introduced to methods of ideating solutions to them. Furthermore, you will learn the foundational concepts of commercializing life science innovation – be it a new medicine, an innovative medical device, or a groundbreaking digital health solution. You will also learn about the regulatory and ethical aspects involved in these processes.  

With courses like project management and communication, students are also equipped with the skills needed to work in and lead teams. Additionally, there is a strong practical component to the teaching. Students work on different projects over the course of the programme. These range from medical device development projects to the creation of communication strategies for actual life science initiatives. 

The MBE has strong links to industry….

There are two internships embedded within the MBE programme. These are called practical placements (PP1 and PP2), where students get the chance to work in company settings and across diverse functions. 

Since the MBE provides training across virtually all the verticals (major divisions) within the life sciences; MBE students are able to work in different capacities in the industry, including in market access, regulatory affairs, strategy, and even finance. 

And even beyond this, for the thesis in semester 4, most students opt to conduct these in companies. 

All this is possible because of the very strong connection that the institute and the MBE program have with the life science hub in Stockholm. All kinds of life science companies including big biopharma companies, biotech startups, medical device companies, and consultancies recruit from the MBE program into internships during the programme and into full-time roles after the completion of it. 

I find this access to industry really exciting, and hope you do too! 

Stockholm is a really nice city…..

Scandinavia in general is a unique and incredibly beautiful region of the world! And no country embodies these qualities more than Sweden. I have enjoyed (almost) every bit of moving and living here in Stockholm, the vibrant city built around hundreds of lakes! 

Stockholm offers just the perfect blend of nature and modernity that most contemporary cities can only dream of. It has quite a diverse population and there are many things to do. Do not take my word for it, do your own research as well! 

Of course, there are a few downsides as well (and this is probably very subjective) – it can be a bit expensive compared to many other European cities, and there is also the matter of the long, dark winters here. But overall, I have had a really good time so far. 

To conclude,

For the newly admitted student, I hope that this has given you more insight into the programme! Looking forward to seeing you later in the year.

If you have any other questions, feel free to shoot me an email. You should also watch out for the many events that will get you onboarded before starting next semester. (Do well to follow the KI student pages on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and keep watching this space). 

If you were not successful this year, it is certainly not the end of the road! Keep working to improve your profile and I am sure you will get your shot eventually!

Umar Adegoke - Bioentrepreneurship

Umar Adegoke - Bioentrepreneurship

Hi! I am Umar from Nigeria, currently studying for a master's in bioentrepreneurship. I like science and business, and my programme is right at the intersection of both. I also like football, Formula 1, cats, and hot chocolate. And here's a random fact - I can name the capital city of nearly all the countries on the planet. Feel free to put this to test if we run into each other. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


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