Toxicology Class of ’24

It’s a new year and a new group of first-year students have started the Master’s in Toxicology! I asked them a few questions so I could say a little bit about where they are from and what they did before coming to KI, and about two thirds of the class replied. Here’s what they said!

Where are they from?

The first-years are a class of 31 people, with over 13 different nationalities! The students are mostly from Europe, and I think there are also some students from North/South America, but they sadly did not reply to the survey so they haven’t been included in this overview!

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What did they study before coming to KI?

It’s always interesting to see what bachelor’s degrees students did before coming to KI. It is similar to last years class, with quite a few students coming from a pharmacy background. However, there’s a large mix of students from different bachelors degrees!

Did they apply directly to KI after studying?

Not all of them! There are six students that applied to KI directly after their Bachelor degrees, eight students that decided to work before applying (either in a pharmacy or lab), four more that decided to take a gap year, and one other did a masters degree before coming to KI.

It’s interesting to see how it compares to last year!

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How old are they?

The average age of the class is around 22/23, but there’s a large range of ages!

The programme is for all ages and backgrounds. I hope this blog has helped illustrate how diverse the class is! If you’re thinking of applying to Toxicology and have questions or concerns about classroom dynamics, please reach out to me via the comments!

Lianne Granston - Toxicology

Lianne Granston - Toxicology

Hi! I’m Lianne from Ireland and England, currently studying a Master’s in Toxicology at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Before coming to Sweden I was living in The Netherlands where I completed my bachelor’s degree. I looked forward to coming to Sweden for the nature and happened to stumble across Karolinska Institutet! It sounded appealing since the university is focused on human health and I’m happy to be studying here now. Learning Swedish is on the top of my list of things to do in Sweden, but I’m also excited to explore the archipelago of Stockholm and go bouldering outdoors.


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