
A Day In The Life of a Biomedical Student at KI

I usually wake up at 7 a.m. so I can get ready for school. The immunology labs that I am taking at the moment start at 9 a.m. and last until 5 p.m. The laboratory experiment is quite easy to perform and I have a lot of fun counting cells and working with antibodies, even though centrifugation and incubation of samples considerably lengthen the waiting times.

On my way to KI, I am always surprised by how beautiful and peaceful the scenery can be. Autumn is absolutely spectacular in Sweden! Unfortunately, this violent explosion of colors that rule over the whole landscape will soon become a wistful memory of the times when terrific snow storms have not yet started to hit Stockholm.

Although I walk a bit to the bus station, I have to admit that Stockholm’s public transport system is very well-designed, safe and efficient. It stands out for its punctuality and accessibility. Moreover, students benefit from discounted tickets. The price of a single ticket valid for unlimited travel for 75 minutes is 26 SEK.

Heading towards the immunology laboratories; the overhead bridge made up of steel and glass connects Biomedicum with Bioclinicum; Credits: Vlad Popescu
Heading towards the immunology laboratories; the overhead bridge made up of steel and glass connects Biomedicum with Bioclinicum; Credits: Vlad Popescu

The immunology lab was super cool and captivating! We have worked with the superhero lymphocytes belonging to our innate immune system that protect us from parasitic infections and constitute some key mediators of allergic diseases such as asthma. My favorite part of the experiment was learning how to perform immunophenotyping to identify and analyze the different immune cell types circulating in our blood.

There are short breaks between various parts of the laboratory work that we can use however we want. For instance, some people hit the gym, play table tennis, hang out with their friends or just enjoy their lunch! Jöns Jacob, which is the main restaurant on KI Campus Solna, serves fresh food for lunch and it’s absolutely delicious! Therefore, when you get the chance, I certainly recommend checking out this place ASAP!

My best friend and I trying to decide what to have for lunch so we can boost our energy to continue the lab; Credits: Vlad Popescu
My best friend and I trying to decide what to have for lunch so we can boost our energy to continue the lab; Credits: Vlad Popescu

Being a night owl comes with certain advantages and so after I was done with the experiment, I went straight to the cinema. Surprisingly, a new sequel to The Exorcist (1973) has just been released! So, what more could you wish for? 

Watching my favorite movie of all time, The Exorcist, in the cinema; Credits: Vlad Popescu
Watching my favorite movie of all time, The Exorcist, in the cinema; Credits: Vlad Popescu

Last but not least, at the end of each lab day, I usually try to organize my lab notes and ideas with the aim of beginning (slowly but surely) to work on the lab report. I mean, it’s always a good idea to keep up with the workload and not wait until the last minute to meet deadlines (easier said than done)!

If you have more curiosities or ideas for new blogs, feel free to email me anytime!

Vlad – Biomedicine (BSc)

Vlad – Biomedicine (BSc)

I'm Vlad, your Romanian blogger who comes from the very homeland of Dracula, Transylvania. While completing my first degree in International Business, I based my undergraduate thesis on the inconsistency of biological analogies in Economics. I began to study the genomes of ants and thus gravitate towards Biomedicine and KI. I chose Karolinska because of its academic and research excellence and because one day I wish to be able to make a difference in the field of Cancer Genetics. Visiting the remarkable collection of preserved medieval manuscripts from the Kungliga Biblioteket is on my bucket list.


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