Goodbye classes, hello thesis: The real adventure begins!
Hello everyone! In this blog, I’ll share what it feels like when classes end, what comes next, how to prepare for your thesis, and how to make a smooth transition into this new phase.
As I sit down to write this, it feels surreal to say that the coursework phase of my master’s journey is officially over. Honestly, time flies! Those intense semesters and advanced classes are now behind me, and I’m stepping into a new chapter: thesis writing. It’s a bittersweet moment—on one hand, I’ll miss the structure, the classes, and the lively group discussions. But on the other hand, the idea of doing a research and working on something truly my own feels both exciting and energizing.
Wrapping up the class journey
Honestly, I couldn’t believe it was the end of classes last week. It felt like yesterday, and part of me wanted to say, “Wait a little longer!” But then again, I can’t help but feel excited to finish my master’s, graduate, and take on the next milestone in my life. Looking back, there’s so much to talk about from the class time during my master’s program: countless group projects, so many assignments, presentations, and exams that kept us constantly on our toes. But there was also this bittersweet realisation that the routine we had grown so used to was finally coming to an end.
One of my favorite parts of the semester was how practical the courses were in preparing me for this transition from structured, in-class learning to independent research. Whether it was building economic models in Excel, practicing health policy diplomacy and debate, or the medical management case scenarios, everything felt like a step closer to the real-world application of what we’ve been learning. And to top it all off, the final course—Philosophy and Research Ethics—wrapped it up perfectly, giving me a solid foundation for the thesis phase. (Check out my detailed course reviews in previous blogs!)
But of course, it wasn’t all about academics. It was also about the student life—making friends, traveling, doing silly things together (and learning from them), bonding, and building professional networks. These experiences were just as valuable as the coursework itself, reminding me of how much we’ve grown—not just as students but as individuals.
Thesis writing
Remember, we’re not done yet—there’s still the big part ahead: the Degree Project in Medical Management. This is a significant milestone, not just because it’s worth 30 credits, but because of how it can shape your future career. Whether you aim to be an economist, policymaker, or manager, your thesis often becomes a starting point into your professional journey. That said, I do not intend to intimidate you! While it’s true that your thesis can influence your career path, there’s always room for career transitions and growth later on. Still, as our alumni highlighted in the survey I shared recently (remember that post?), it’s crucial to give your thesis the utmost importance and focus.
For me, starting this new milestone feels like standing at the edge of a forest—so much to explore, but the path is yours to carve. This means narrowing down my research interests, finding a supervisor, and defining a topic that aligns with both my passions and career goals. The good news? You don’t have to do this alone! The department offers plenty of support to help you choose your title and supervisor.
I’ll share details about this process in my next blog, Thesis 101. Stay tuned as I share how I chose my title and supervisor, and how I’m working on a Health Economic Modeling project.

Tips for YOU
If you’ve applied to study at KI in the HEPM program or are already here and worried about the thesis journey, this is for you! Here are a few tips that might help. And hey, it won’t hurt to plan ahead—whether you’re a new applicant or a junior student:
1. Reflect on your interests
Think about the courses or topics that excited you the most—this could be a great starting point for your thesis. This is something I always remind myself and share with students I mentor for applications: focus on your interests and align them with the opportunities available. That’s the best way to land a project you’ll genuinely enjoy working on.
2. Find the right supervisor
Look for someone who shares your interests and can guide you effectively. A good supervisor truly makes all the difference. My advice? Start early—don’t wait until the last minute to reach out.
3. Stay connected
Don’t isolate yourself during this process. Stay in touch with classmates, professors, and mentors—they’re invaluable sources of support and inspiration. Don’t overlook your classmates and seniors (alumni); they’re often untapped resources with a wealth of experience to share.
4. Be kind to yourself
This is a learning process, not a race. It’s okay to make mistakes and ask for help along the way. Give yourself grace and remember that growth takes time.
Finishing classes and starting the thesis journey feels like a big step, but it’s also exciting. It’s a chance to do something you care about and grow in new ways. While it might feel a little overwhelming, remember—you’ve got this! Take it one step at a time, ask for help when you need it, and enjoy the process. Here’s to making this final stretch of the master’s program count!

Yohannes - Health Economics Policy and Management
Hi there! My name is Yohannes, and I come from Ethiopia, the Cradle of Humanity. I've always been curious and ambitious, and my journey to Karolinska Institutet is a testament to that. I studied medicine and developed a deep fascination with the intersection of healthcare, economics, policy-making, and management. This passion led me to KI. I look forward to learning more about healthcare economics and becoming a part of the vibrant international community at KI. In my free time, I enjoy writing and drawing, always exploring and trying new things.