
Hello, World! It’s me, the one from Facebook.

Hi there everybody! My name is Eden, and I’m just beginning my 2-year master’s degree in Biomedicine at Karolinska Institutet. I’m also fortunate enough to be beginning a new job here at KI, as one of the Digital Ambassadors running the Karolinska Institutet Students Facebook page.

Group photo of the Digital Ambassador team. I'm the one with the arrow.

Photo Credit: Jenny Enblom

The Facebook page? What happens there?

I’m glad you asked! Alongside my colleague Tetiana Poliakova, I look forward to spending the next 2 years communicating with you every day about goings-on at KI, as well as its history and its people. If you’re already a student at KI, the page is your one-stop shop for whatever happenings you might be interested in; if you’re a prospective student, it’s the perfect place to take a look and see what life here might be like for YOU.

And of course, if you have any questions at all, you’re more than welcome to get in touch and ask me directly at:

But Eden, why ask you? What do you know?

Well as it happens, I’m a bit of an old hand at moving countries. While I was born in Scotland, my family moved around a fair amount when I was young, upping sticks and heading first to Singapore and then to the Netherlands. I’ve also swapped nations independently of my family once before I came to Sweden, setting off by myself for the first time when I returned to Scotland to start my bachelor’s degree in Immunology. If you want to know about the experience of moving, or about life in Stockholm as a foreigner, hopefully I can help you out. One thing I can say with confidence right now though is this: I have never been made more welcome in a new home than I have here at KI, and I have never felt at home in a new city faster than I have in Stockholm.

The KI team spirit builds quickly!

I also know how difficult it is to choose what the next step in your academic career – and your life – will be. Are you torn between academia and business? Between continuing education and starting a career? Between specializing or broadening your education? Between exploring somewhere new or staying somewhere you like? Are looming political concerns colouring all these decisions (*cough* Brexit *cough*)? I’ve dealt with those concerns too. And while I can’t make any decisions for you, if you ever want an insight into how Stockholm, KI, or the master’s in Biomedicine might fit your situation and your priorities, I’ll do my very best to provide that – or at the very least get you in contact with someone who can!

Finally, of course, I’ve been through that same daunting-looking application process that you might be considering right now. While any formal inquiries about the process should be directed to, I’m happy to share my experiences with you if you want to know anything.

Fair enough, you’ve convinced me. What were those links again?

Good to hear! Once again, you can like the Karolinska Institutet Students page for daily updates, or contact to ask me questions directly.


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