Students at KI sitting in the waiting room.

Voices from around the world at KI Part 2

Countries mentioned in this blog: Tunisia, Ghana, Nepal, Indonesia and Trinidad and Tobago.

Hi everyone. If you guys remember, last month I wrote a blog about looking for a student from Trinidad and Tobago who may have attended KI, but not being able to find one. To ensure that everyone can at least read about someone who may be from their country, I decided to interview people whose countries are not really known in KI and write a blog asking them what they think about KI.

This time I was able to get in touch with some of the students from the Public Health class at KI which was very exciting. Thanks to my good friend Pia who reached out to her classmates from other countries most of whom were kind enough to do the interviews. This allowed me to expand the number of countries on here, so hopefully someone from one of these countries can find a peer that they can relate to.

Also remember, just because your country isn’t represented here, it does not mean that someone from your country is not attending KI at all. 🙂

Tunisia: Marwen MSc. Public Health

Marwen a student from Tunisia at KI.
Marwen a student at KI, from Tunisia.

1.) What is your name?
My name is Marwen Fakhfakh

2.) Where are you from?

3.) What do you like about KI so far?
It’s a well-known university and I can see why.
The education system is modern and very engaging for students. I like the fact that students’ voices have a value. The diversity within professors, lecturers and students is a wealth in KI.

4.) Why should people from your country apply to KI?
I do enjoy my life in stockholm and my studies at KI. Those who study here profit from a high quality education. It is totally worth it to apply.

5.) Advice to anyone who wants to apply to KI?
Believe in yourself, work on your CV and your motivation letter. Make it personal and authentic. The administration receives hundreds of applications for each program, so make your special.

6.) Anything else extra that you’d like to say?
Money should not be a reason why not to apply. There is always a way to get it. There is many opportunities for scholarships, always keep trying.

Ghana: Zebrilla MSc.

A KI student from Ghana
Zebrilla a student at KI, from Ghana.

1.) What is your name?
Zebrilla Najib

2.) Where are you from?

3.) What do you like about KI so far?
It’s fascinatingly new. Very diverse. Of course, academic-demic place. Being here, nothing holds you from imagining high achievement.

4.) Why should people from your country apply to KI?
It’s as I indicated, diverse and welcoming. A very reputable institution and everything here positions you for academic excellence.

5.) Advice to anyone who wants to apply to KI?
Don’t be intimidated by the reputation. Be honest and elaborate on your academic and extracurricular achievements. You will not regret the choice.

6.) Anything else extra that you’d like to say?
It really doesn’t matter if your country or race is underrepresented here. I’m the only black in my class, but that never gets striking at all.**

Nepal: Bikram MSc. Public Health, Epidemiology Track

Bikram a student from Nepal at the KI
Bikram a student at KI, from Nepal.

1.) What is your name?
My name is Bikram Bucha.

2.) Where are you from?
I’m from a beautiful country with the highest peak in the world, Nepal.

3.) What do you like about KI so far?
The campus. It is so beautiful and organized with all the modern facilities one can dream of to assist in your education. The KI sports hall where I play futsal and badminton. I get amazed how organized it is. My classmates from diverse educational backgrounds and from around the world who bring their unique experience and knowledge thus making the learning stimulating and fun. The library and study rooms which are super cozy to immerse oneself into studying.

4.) Why should people from your country apply to KI?
I always had this yearning to do my masters outside my home country, experience the best education and excel in my career. To think of that today, I’m studying Master’s in Public Health with specialization in Epidemiology here at KI, one of the top universities in the world, just feels truly amazing.

The program is so well organized. The professors are always receptive to your questions and are at your disposal to guide and support you. The best part is how the teaching and learning methods do not focus on memorization rather promote development of critical thinking skills and stimulate ideas. And this is what I’ve wanted. Preparing group work contract and working in groups is what teaches you the essence of learning and working in team from the very start of an academic semester.

5.) Advice to anyone who wants to apply to KI?
Have a clear Statement of Purpose (SOP) while applying to KI. Don’t feel overwhelmed about being one among thousands around the world who apply to KI. Also apply for Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals to get scholarship to study here in Sweden. I’m a recipient of the scholarship. You can look into the website and start working on it.

6.) Anything else extra that you’d like to say?
When you’re at KI and in Sweden you’ll learn about fika and sustainability. You’ll become a global sustainable citizen.

Indonesia: Zuhaira MSc. Public Health

Zuhaira a student at KI, from Indonesia.

1.) What is your name?
Zuhaira or Ira

2.) Where are you from?

3.) What do you like about KI so far?
KI basically has met my expectation so far. I like that we always have a group work to help us understand the material, for me it’s very important as I am a better learner if I study in a group setting. I also like that KI has so many opportunities and facilities; I sometimes use the free Yoga class provided by the campus, or just participating in a general lecture, both rarely happen in the place where I come from.

4.) Why should people from your country apply to KI?
It is refreshing that in KI you can get such a robust curriculum but not really pressuring! I am having a good time here with the schedule and the grading criteria that doesn’t make me develop anxiety, compared to what we had during undergrad the schedule is very relaxed. It is also very beneficial for us Indonesian studying here among people from all over the world as we can understand many perspectives about the health problems happening in our country.

5.) Advice to anyone who wants to apply to KI?
You will like it, believe me! Read all of the requirements before submitting your application and read through the program syllabus before choosing the program.

6.) Anything else extra that you’d like to say?
It has been a nice learning experience and a very supportive environment.

Argentina: Martina, MSc. Public Health

Martina a Public Health student at Ki
Martina, a student at KI, from Argentina.

1.) What is your name?
Martina Astorga

2.) Where are you from?

3.) What do you like about KI so far?
Lots of things but especially the wide variety of amazing, intelligent people.

4.) Why should people from your country apply to KI?
KI is a great environment to be exposed to a lot of perspectives and a lot of research. I find that there’s a lot to learn from Swedish values, the Swedish health system and from each of my classmates that ultimately really adds to my education in Public Health.

5.) Advice to anyone who wants to apply to KI.
Don’t let doubts on your English language skills stop you. Most lecturers and classmates will be understanding and soon enough you’ll feel more and more confident.

6.) Anything else extra that you’d like to say?
If you’re doubting whether or not to apply, do it! You definitely won’t regret it.

** There are many students from the African continent at KI, just maybe not many in this particular year of this particular programme.
I would like to thank all of the participants for allowing me to interview them and use their pictures for this blog.

NB: The interviews were typed verbatim so as not to lose the essence of what was being said by the interviewees. These statements reflect their personal views and are not the views of KI as an institution.

Zaynab - Global Health

Zaynab - Global Health

Hi, my name is Zaynab and I am from Trinidad and Tobago, a country in the Caribbean. I am currently studying a Master’s in Global Health here at KI and am a blogger for the DA team. I look forward to sharing my experiences at KI and I also hope to expose students from the Caribbean to university life here in Sweden.


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