4 steps to score internships for university students
Summer is coming… ?
You are either deciding on a holiday destination or maybe searching for an internship? Well, you came to the right place my dear reader. I am about to graduate soon since I just started my master’s thesis but still haven’t decided on what to do afterward.
Nevertheless, I found internships before during my studies, and I would like to give some tips on how to find the right one for you.
1. Polish your CV and résumé
Curriculum Vitae (CV) is aimed at academia while a resume is tailored for the industry – no more than 2 pages unless you’re searching for a research internship. For example, in academia, they are more interested in reading a detailed concise description of a previous research project and laboratory skills while companies prefer to see a briefer description of your accomplishments/experiences, as well as highlight specific skills. Keep in mind that no one wants to see paragraphs, so stick to bullet points. It is a good start to look for free templates on the internet. Also, always update your LinkedIn profile.
“But how do I find an internship that requires experience when I am already looking for experience in the first place?”

2. Hunt for opportunities
Based on some previous students’ experiences, they started looking for volunteering experiences at their university. There are several projects that need students to organise events such as Red Cross Ungdomsförbundet, career fairs, hackathons, student union activities, conferences..etc. The key is to take small steps which will lead you to great opportunities. Hence, you should always check your emails, summer courses that focus on research, Facebook student groups, events, Karolinska Institutet career services..etc.
“The key is to take small steps which will lead you to great opportunities.”

3. Start networking (a lot)
By joining different events around the city, you will meet people outside your university circle. It is recommended to add them on LinkedIn to stay in touch. Keeping your options open will open doors to many opportunities. KI Careers Service organises seminars by academic and industry people, as well as networking workshops.

4. Keep searching online
Every once in a while, try to spend an hour of your free time to check websites. I recommend checking Eurolife Network for summer/winter schools. EIT Health and EIT Food offer a wide variety of opportunities during the summer. Sometimes KI departments provide a summer stipend to students continuing their research project in the summer. Amgen Scholars is a good place to look for in Europe. The National University of Singapore, University of Vienna, University of Oxford and Cambridge offer summer schools. Just check university websites for summer activities, and send emails. Some companies offer thesis projects, but they are quite competitive.

Last but not least, always keep trying even if it didn’t work the first time. Good luck! Xx
– Sara A.
e-mail: sara.abu.ajamieh@stud.ki.se
LinkedIn: Sara Abu Ajamieh
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