The top 5 reasons I chose to study Global Health at KI
We’re reaching the middle of the application period for the Global Master’s programmes at Karolinska Institutet. I’m sure many of you are torn between several programmes, or Universities, so I’m here to tell you the top 5 reasons I chose to study Global Health here at Karolinska Institutet.
1. Global Health is a 1-year course
I only had a period of 1 year that I could undertake a Master’s in, so for me being able to study global health, a 1-year course here, seemed ideal! I also looked at the public health course, and although it looked interesting too, the global health one was more convenient for me due to being 1 year long!
2. There are incredible research opportunities at Karolinska Institutet
Being a student here, you have the opportunity to get involved in some ground-breaking research during your thesis. Having just chosen our thesis topics, it has been amazing to see the diversity of topics available and the knowledge of the researchers that are happy to welcome us into their teams.

3. The opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds from all over the world
Before coming here, I knew that our class would be very diverse, but I don’t think I appreciated quite how diverse we would be!
In my opinion, a lot of thought has been put in by the programme leads to ensure that we have students from a wide variety of backgrounds. This leads to some very interesting discussions in class as we can all express our points of view based on the varying experiences we have had. This has definitely enriched my learning experience so far!
4. Leaving my comfort zone (and my country!)
The idea of studying in another country has always interested me, but I have never had the chance to try it until now! It has been a bit difficult moving to a new country that I have never visited before, especially in the middle of a pandemic, but the people I have met here so far have been lovely, and we have had many fun adventures, whilst staying COVID-safe. If you have the opportunity to study abroad, I would really recommend it!

(Disclaimer: We all live together so aren’t breaking the COVID recommendations!)
5. Gaining a new perspective on health
Being a medical student myself, I have an interest in health. However, before this year I feel like I learnt about healthcare from a more restrictive perspective. I wanted to be able to broaden my approach to learning about healthcare and look at the bigger picture of healthcare systems, rather than just at the patient-focused approach.
There are many reasons to apply to study at Karolinska Institutet, but these are the main reasons that made me apply to come here. I’m really enjoying studying here, and I can’t wait to see what else is to come this year!
If you have any questions about studying here, feel free to get in touch: katherine.jane.rennie@stud.ki.se
Katie Rennie - Global Health
Hey! I’m Katie, a blogger for the master's programme in global health. I’m from England, and I’ve currently studied half of my medical degree in the UK, and after this year I will return to the UK to complete my degree and qualify as a doctor. If you have any questions about the programme feel free to contact me!