How living and studying in Sweden changed me
I might have lived in Sweden only for a little over a year, but it is safe to say that it has brought a quite significant impact on my life (in a positive way!). Here are several things that have transformed me.
The punctuality
I adore how in Sweden, time is highly valuable. And it is reflected in many areas, from public transportation to academic schedules. If a class was scheduled to start at 9.00, it will start strike at 9.00, whether it’s an offline or online class. For people like me, who have a tendency to be late, this could be a challenge. Thus, I got to learn to be punctual yet I’m glad for that!
There could be an app for everything
Sweden is known as one of the world’s most innovative countries and I can easily agree with that. Here, I realize that there could be an app for everything you need: transportation, payment, second-hand online marketplace, and even an app to get unsold food at discounted price! With a bunch of lifesaver apps, you can navigate your life smoothly in Stockholm.
Coffee break!

I’m originally a coffee person, yet here it seems like everybody loves coffee and always craving a coffee break. Every 30 minutes or so after the class has started, the teacher would usually ask if the students need some time to grab their coffee. Even if you don’t drink coffee, I bet you will still look forward to fika.
The love for nature
You will fall in love easily with Swedish nature, as much as I do. Sweden adheres to “allemansrätten” or “freedom to roam” which allows everyone to access the wilderness. I can go and have a walk in a forest after the class is over, visit a nature reserve, have a quiet time near a lake, and many more. And it’s all for free. The only thing you need to do is to respect nature and the animals living there.
Always ready to work out
Usually, I set specific times in a week for workouts. However, since living in Sweden, I learned that it could be useful if I always wear my sports shoes and bring my sportswear in my bag to make sure that I can exercise whenever I have free time after class and it grew to become my new habit up until now.
Always check for weather forecast
You probably have heard the old saying “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing” (or something that sounds similar). I lived out that quote and learned to always check the weather forecast before going outside to make sure I wear proper clothing. This is something I never do back in my home country, but I still do it now.
Living in Sweden has been a life-changing experience for me. Hope you will experience similar things as well!
Sepriani Limbong - Nutrition Science
Hello! I’m Sepri, a medical doctor from Indonesia. I’m a master student of Nutrition Science at KI. I’m keen to learn about the interplay between diet and health status as well as the role of nutrition both in disease prevention and intervention. I love to study, but in my free time you’ll find me listening to music/podcast/audiobook. As a blogger, I’ll write about my programme, experiences that I have in Sweden, and give you a little snippet of student life. I’m excited to share this journey with you!