Students studying

Let me introduce to you the 1st year Health Informatics students 2020

We’re six weeks in and 37 students have made it this far. Yippee! I thought it might be nice to present the demographics of 1st year Health Informatics students 2020. It’ll give us a good idea of the colourful people our master’s programme is made up of. I was mostly curious to find out which part of the world everyone was from and, certainly, how many women are in this course. You can rest assured, I am very happy with the result.

NB. I was only able to survey 30 students for this blog.

Background education

When I first applied to Health Informatics at KI, I thought the majority of us would be computer science students. I felt intimidated. But in fact, a majority of us have a healthcare background. That’s not to say that those with a computer science background shouldn’t apply or that the programme is irrelevant to them. In fact, our diverse professional and educational backgrounds is what makes the discussions in this programme so interesting.
It’s exciting to see healthcare and IT students so willing to step out of their comfort zone and come together to collaborate.

Percentage of students with educational background in healthcare vs. computers and systems science
Background education – Healthcare vs. Computers and systems science

How old are we?

As you can see, we have students from a range of ages. 3 of our youngest students are 22 years old! That’s really impressive! And our most experienced member is 38 years old. During our discussions, it’s great to hear the perspectives of students who are newly graduated and those with a lot of professional experience. Although, in all honesty, you can’t really tell who has the most experience. Everyone speaks with such energy and professionalism. So if you’re looking to apply to the course but are worried about your age, don’t be!

Graph of Number of people vs. Age
Ages of Cohort


I’m always curious about the percentage of women and men who have applied to university courses and jobs. Gender equality has become an important part of Sweden’s identity. I really wanted to see the results for myself. Health Informatics at KI is almost 50/50 women and men.

Percentage of women vs. men in Health Informatics programme
How many men and women are we?


How lucky are we? KI has brought together 30 brilliant minds from around the world to study Health Informatics. We’re collaborating and comparing healthcare and computers systems with people from across the seas. I’ve found the discussions so far to be so interesting, but now I’m even more curious to learn from my peers – What opportunities do you seek in your country?

Map of the countries students in Health Informatics are from
Where are we from?

NB. We had 31 responses here because a student identified as 2 nationalities.

Languages spoken

Because of our diversity, naturally we have students speaking all kinds of tongues. Everyone wrote English as a known language and almost all of us know at least a second language. Impressively, knowing 3-4 languages is not uncommon in this course. A lot of us also either know Swedish or are learning Swedish.

Graph of number of students vs. languages
What languages do we speak?

As you can probably sense, I feel very privileged to be able to study at KI with such a diverse group of students. I am eager to engage with my peers over the next two years.

If you’re thinking of applying to the Health Informatics master’s programme, you won’t be disappointed by the range of cultural and professional experiences.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or

Helen Nguyen - Health Informatics

Helen Nguyen - Health Informatics

Hi! I'm Helen from Australia here, currently living and loving life in Stockholm. I'm studying a Master's in Health Informatics at Karolinska Institutet. I love walking in nature, dancing and cycling around town. I love a good chat and enjoy a good hearty laugh. We can talk about nothing and discuss absolutely everything. I enjoy cooking food, falling asleep to movies and going for long walks in the forest.


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