Embarking on a Valencia Journey: The First Chapter of My Summer Internship

Hello, my beloved bloggers! It’s been a while since our last chat. I hope you’re all enjoying a fabulous summer. This summer, I’m thrilled to dive into a biomedical informatics internship at Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV). It’s a fantastic opportunity to explore how IT technology integrates into healthcare, enhancing the quality of services. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing insights from my Valencia experience. If that piques your interest, stay tuned!

The building I am working at (Photo credits: Martin So)

How I Landed My Summer Internship

Let’s face it—securing a summer internship in health informatics isn’t a walk in the park. I started my search back in March, scouring through recruitment websites, social media platforms, and LinkedIn. Despite tapping into every connection I had, success seemed elusive. Just as I was on the brink of giving up, an opportunity at UPV appeared, posted by a guest speaker I had met during a lecture. I reached out, shared my experiences in the field, and after a brief interview—voila! I secured the internship.

Here’s a tip: Leverage every opportunity to meet guest speakers and attend seminars. We often have the chance to connect with professionals in the field through our studies. Networking is crucial. Don’t hesitate to engage in discussions on topics that spark your interest; it’s a great way to deepen conversations and forge professional connections.

Securing the Funding

Once the internship was mine, the next step was finding funding. Fortunately, KI offers various scholarships, including stipends for students keen on exchanges or traineeships abroad. Erasmus+ is especially popular. To qualify, you must have completed at least one year at KI and be registered in a study program. The stipend amount varies by destination and duration, with Erasmus+ supporting up to a 12-month traineeship. Keep in mind, processing applications can take time—plan to submit yours at least a month in advance. For me, wrapping up all the paperwork and insurance took about two months, but it was absolutely worth it.

My temporal room in Valencia (Photo credits: Martin So)

Finding Accommodation

Moving to another city is a big step. Although I have some experience, the idea still intimidates me. Although UPV offered on-campus accommodation, it was too expensive for my budget, so I sought alternative options. My biggest fear was encountering scammers. Finding a reliable landlord and realtor is crucial. One of the easiest methods is to ask a Spanish classmate for help— A big thanks to Valentina for helping me sort out my accommodation! Alternatively, using rental platforms that partner with Erasmus can be a safe bet. If you’re looking for tips to avoid scams, check out Vlad’s blog where he shares his experience of almost getting scammed.

Valencia Polytechnic University campus (Photo credits: Martin So)

Starting the Adventure in Valencia!

Stay tuned for the next blog where I’ll kick off my adventures in Valencia. There’s so much more to share, and I can’t wait to bring you along on this incredible journey. I’ll be sharing insights on the world of biomedical informatics, tips for navigating an internship abroad, and of course, more delicious food discoveries (because let’s be honest, that’s a big part of the experience).

Martin - Health Informatics

Martin - Health Informatics

I am Martin, 27, currently studying Health Informatics at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University. I’m passionate about using data science to improve human well-being. Discovering this programme was a pivotal moment, and I've found it to be one of my best decisions. The programme is enriching my network and perspectives by hosting talks with alumni, government representatives, and startups. An interesting fact about me is that I once aspired to be a curator and artist specializing in Chinese art.


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