New to Stockholm? 5 tips to help make Stockholm feel like home

I remember when I first got to Stockholm, the first few weeks were hectic; filled with meeting new people, socializing and getting settled into my school routine. Once things calmed down, I was looking to feel more settled in my life and routine. Here are 5 of my tips to help Stockholm feel like home!

Get involved at KI 

If you are used to previously having many extracurricular activities, get involved at KI or other student opportunities. There are various student clubs, organizations, sports intramurals, student representative positions at KI. Additionally, if you have a specific interest area, you can also get involved with a research position at KI. 

Aula Medica on Solna Campus

Bike when you can 

At first, it can feel daunting, but it forces you to learn your way around the city and you also can stumble across things you normally would never have found! I started biking to school, and even after a long day of classes, biking back through the city especially during the warmer months, let me feel like I was having a little “school break”, even though it was just my commute! 

Here are some of my suggestions for activities within a bikeable distance!

Join an activity outside of KI

If you are used to participating in a certain activity or extracurricular at home, try and find it here whether it be sports, art, music, club, volunteering etc.

For example, if you play a sport (or are wanting to learn!), join a team/club/take lessons! There are many recreational to competitive leagues in Stockholm that you can join, and I am sure if you posted it to your class or on a KI Facebook group, other students may want to join you as well. This could range from joining a running, football team, rock climbing, ultimate frisbee team, to dance lessons! It can be hard to find this sometimes, but often if you are just looking for something recreational, looking for Facebook groups can be a good place to start. If what you are looking for does not exist? Start it up 🙂 If you are interested in it, there are probably other students who would like to organize it as well! 

For example, check out Callum’s blog on Racket sports or Katie’s blog on running in Stockholm!

Playing soccer in a park

Join a gym outside of KI 

If you are into fitness, join a gym (besides the KI gym). There are so many gyms that offer student discounts and many of them offer fun fitness classes you can try such as Kickboxing, spin, Zumba etc. I enjoyed having something to add to my routine, that was in my neighbourhood of the city. 

Start exploring early

Make an effort to start checking some of your “must-do” things off your list! There are so many things to explore in Stockholm whether you are interested in museums, nightlife, weekend trips, restaurants or the outdoors, and the sooner you explore the things you like, it has a ripple effect and you find out about the less known or hidden gems! 

Mountain views from a hike on the  Kungsleden
One of the top things on my list when I moved to Sweden was to hike part of the Kungsleden!

Time goes very fast. Before you know it, you will be graduating and people will ask you once they find out you lived in Stockholm “did you go to this or visit this?” and there will be so many things you meant to visit, but never got to cause you got caught up in school and your friends. (This has happened to me on more than one occasion!) For ideas on “must-see” activities, further check out the KI student blog for some suggestions such as day and weekend trips, 5 things you can do for free in Stockholm!

Otherwise, welcome to Stockholm and thanks for reading! 


Lauren Wiebe- Health Promotion and Prevention

Lauren Wiebe- Health Promotion and Prevention

Hi! I am Lauren, I was born and raised in Canada, and you probably will hear me talking about how much I love Canada, especially the mountains. I am the blogger for the Master's Public Health Sciences Health Promotion and Prevention stream and I am excited to share my experiences with you!


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